jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Sierra Nevada - The Snowy Side of Granada

Second post of the day! Make sure to check below.

Not much to say about this post, but the photos are pretty nice. One of the best parts of Granada, as I've mentioned before countless times, is its diversity. One very diverse aspect of the city is that you can go from snow to sand in about 30 minutes. My house father, Juan, always likes to brag about it. And he's right, really. There aren't many cities in the world where you can ski and go to the beach in the same day. 

Since I have never been skiing in my life, I decided to save my money and not ski while in Spain (although a couple of my friends have, its a bit expensive). I didn't want to leave this place without seeing the Sierra Nevada however, so one weekend some friends and I went up just to see what it was all about.

 Here's another one of my signature "in the bus through the window" shots. This time, we look at a snowy mountain. The bus ride up is cheap (5 euros ish) but man is it windy. Your ears begin to pop, and a couple people on the bus started to get motion sick.

 Alas, we arrive. Such a cool feeling being up here, especially because that day in the center of Granada it was quite warm (70 degrees). A bit cooler up here, but easily tolerable. No clouds in the sky. Just beautiful.

 As you can see it really is its own town up here. Tons of resorts/hotels, food of all varieties. Stuff is definitely more expensive up here, as I'd expect it to be. Pictured here is where we purchased our tickets to ride one of the ski lifts.

 Theres a bunch of little restaurants with outdoor seating throughout the ski village. We sat at one up here on the left and had some food while watching the skiiers come down - a new experience for me.

 We took a ski lift. I was a bit more scared than I thought I'd be, heh. Still, was peaceful and fun.

 When we got to the top, we walked around but it was mostly streets like this. We figured there'd be something more at the top, but really there wasn't. Luckily we found a little picnic table and ate the bocadillos our families prepared for us.

 Going back down the ski lift.

 An interesting shot showing where the snow ends.

And finally, back home for a nice Granadian evening.

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